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My experience in my field has brought me far, and though I hope to keep growing and developing, I know that I have what it takes to make a real contribution to any company I join. Want to know more about my experience? I hope to have the opportunity to grow and add value to all my clients. Read about my journey right here. Then give me a call or drop me a line so that we can discuss what I can do for you.


As a student reporter at Die Burger daily newspaper, I cut my teeth working in a hard-hitting newsroom with stringent daily deadlines. Articles were written according to a high standard of journalist integrity, and I covered content across various beats like current affairs, crime, politics, business and sport.


I worked as editorial assistant for the Leisure Boating magazine and contributed to the Caravan SA and SA4x4 sister publications. I wrote feature articles, conducted interviews and covered various events. I worked closely with the editor and co-ordinated the layout and production of this monthly outdoor/lifestyle magazine


I worked as a journalist and media content specialist for COSA Media, a boutique B2B publisher and it’s flagship title – the award-winning RISKAFRICA magazine. I sourced and wrote content across various titles (business, travel, lifestyle). I specialised in events, studio production (photo and film), writing native and marketing-driven content, manage social and digital media as well as coordinating the print process of several business publications.


As editor of the Land Rover AFRICA magazine, I was responsible for the content and quality of the magazine. Developing, managing and executing editorial plans with market-related content for enhancing readership and generating leads. I was also tasked with writing and managing content while working closely with marketing and sales teams. As editor, LRA took me on various assignments across Africa.


I’m currently the production editor at Topco Media, a niche B2B publication house in Cape Town. I’m responsible for writing, managing and overseeing the production of several annual publications, e.g. Public Sector Manager (PSM), Top Performing Companies, Top500 Best Managed Companies, Top Women Leaders and Oliver’s Top Empowerment. I also head up the company’s video/filming department with event/client shoots and post-production editing. I’m also resident photographer and I work closely with the marketing/events department.

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